Tag Archive: 10.13

  1. Sample ICC Profiles

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    Part of our Basic Calibration service, ICC Profiles are used to apply calibration data at the computer’s operating system level, ensuring consistency across all applications.

    During Windows & Mac calibration, it is important to load a NULL ICC Profile to remove any color adjustments the computer may have added to the display.

    We have also included a Sample ICC Profile (using a generic color transform) to visually verify that the ICC Profiles are loading correctly.

    Learn how to install ICC Profiles: Windows | Mac.

    Display Calibration ICC Profile

  2. Installing ICC Profiles (Mac)

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    Our Basic Calibration service supports Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later. The following tutorial shows how to load a display calibration ICC Profile using the Mac. View the Windows version.

    Download the Sample ICC Profiles.

    Mac OS X 10.6.8+

    Default ICC Profile Location: /Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays

    Note: Some third-party apps (like screen dimming) will need to be disabled before loading a new ICC Profile (or else the computer will need to be restarted afterwards for the changes to take effect).

    Step 1: ColorSync Utility

    Press Command + Spacebar to open spotlight (default shortcut). Type “ColorSync Utility” and open the application.

    Mac Spotlight ColorSync Utility

    Step 2: Apply ICC Profile

    Go to the “Devices” tab and select your display. Under “Current Profile”, select “Other”.

    Mac ColorSync Utility

    Locate the ICC Profile and select it.

    Mac ICC Profile

    Step 3: Login Screen

    Note: This is an optional step to load the ICC Profile to the computer’s login screen.

    Press Command + Spacebar to open spotlight (default shortcut). Type “Directory Utility” and open the application.

    Mac Spotlight Directory Utility

    Unlock the application using your administrator’s password.

    Mac Directory Utility

    Select Edit > “Enable Root User”. Create a new password for the root account.

    Mac Directory Utility Root User

    Switch users and log in as “Other”. Type in “root” as the username and enter your newly created password.

    Mac Login Screen Root User

    Repeat Steps 1-2 and apply the ICC Profile in the root account, then log out.

    Back in your regular user account, open the “Directory Utility” application again and unlock it.

    Finally, select Edit > “Disable Root User”.

    Mac Directory Utility Disable Root User

    Learn how to install ICC Profiles on Windows.


    For any questions or inquiries, please contact us.