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  1. RED to Alexa LUT Package

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    This package transforms RED material to closely emulate an ARRI Alexa’s gamma and colorspace – providing an alternative starting point for further grading.

    The LUTs are based on an average of actual camera data. Additional grading may still be required to completely match the two cameras in a particular scene. Try out the Interactive Demo.

    RED to Alexa LUT Package Chart v2.0

    *Works with all RED camera models & sensors.


    Built with precision and quality control, the LUTs have been thoroughly stress tested and do not introduce any unwanted banding or color artifacts.


    The Log3G10 gamma curve is mathematically transformed to ARRI’s LogC format. Some highlight rolloff was added to avoid clipping luminance data. This serves as the base for all other colorspace conversions.


    The color information is transformed from REDWideGamutRGB to a variety of ARRI formats using our Camera Profiling process. Since REDWideGamutRGB is a standardized colorspace, this LUT package works across all RED camera models.

    All the LUTs implement a tone-mapping process to retain out-of-gamut colors.

    RED to Alexa LUT Gamut Tone Mapping

    ARRI WideGamut

    This is the foundation for all other colorspace transforms. The wide gamut colorspace provides the most room for color grading and image manipulation. This is usually combined with ARRI’s standard LogC2Rec709 transform.

    RED to Alexa LUT ARRI Wide Gamut

    ARRI FilmMatrix

    An option using ARRI’s Film Matrix is included as well. This was originally built for the Alexa to mimic the color characteristics of film from an ARRI scanner. Ideal for a traditional film workflow involving a separate Print Film Emulation LUT.

    RED to Alexa LUT ARRI Film Matrix


    Intended for dailies and in-camera previewing, the LUT is based on combining our “ARRIWideGamut” LUT with the ARRI LUT Generator’s standard LogC to Rec709 transform curve, but has been re-built to better roll-off the saturation on RED footage.

    RED to Alexa LUT Rec709 Preview


    This transform is for use as a “Creative 3D LUT” in conjunction with RED’s new IPP2 system. When used with our recommended settings, the result is designed to look similar to our “AlexaV3Rec709” LUT.
    IPP2 settings: Medium Contrast / Soft Rolloff.

    RED to Alexa LUT IPP2

    Post Workflow

    Based on a traditional log workflow, grading should be applied after the TRUECOLOR LUT, but before the output Display LUT.

    RED to Alexa LUT Workflow

    Also watch some of the recommended workflows using RED Cine-X and DaVinci Resolve:


    The following video shows how our LUT compares to an actual ARRI Alexa under various lighting conditions. RED’s default IPP2 settings are also shown for reference (Medium Contrast & Medium Rolloff).

    Our goal was to match each shot as closely as possible by only adjusting the White Balance, Tint, and Exposure settings. Better results could be obtained through the use of secondary color corrections.

    More details about the camera settings are available in the PDF.


    You can purchase the LUT package here: https://truecolor.us/downloads/red-to-alexa-lut-package

    For any other inquiries about the LUT, please contact us.